Sis in a Mess
Book 19
Review Words:
Plot Summary
The animals are on their way to a surprise birthday party for Baby Bear. They overlook Sis the Snake whose gift is a flower. The party begins without Sis. Baby Bear is particularly pleased with his big, new beautiful ball. Later, when Sis appears, she is angry and upsets everything by bouncing the ball. Mat teaches her a lesson, however, by overturning a cup of tea on her. Finally all the animals settle down and have a good time.
1 / 13
See Sam with that.
See Sis with this.
2 / 13
"It fell."
3 / 13
Sis fell.
4 / 13
"I see Mit and Sam and Mat."
5 / 13
"We will sit!"
6 / 13
"See this."
7 / 13
Sis is mad.
8 / 13
"This is a mess."
9 / 13
"See that mess, Sis.
I am mad."
10 / 13
Sis sees the mess.
Sis sees that Mat is mad.
11 / 13
It fell on Sis.
12 / 13
"A mess fell on Sis."
13 / 13
Is Sis mad?
Story Questions
1. pp.1-3— Which animals are going to the party?
2. p.4— Whose birthday is it?
3. p.6— What present did Baby Bear get?
4. p.8— What did Sis do?
5. pp.9-11— What did Mat do?
6. p.13— Is Sis still mad?