See Them
Book 36
New Words:

Plot Summary
Sis watches Mat begin to paint a bench and when he runs off, she finishes the job. Later she notices that she is covered with spots and thinks that she is sick. She runs to show everyone her spots. Mit and Sam are frightened and run away. Sis feels better when a doctor discovers her spots are only paint and he washes them all off.
1 / 14
Sis sees Mat the Rat.
2 / 14
"Mat runs.
This is a mess!"
3 / 14
Mat ran.
Did I run?
No, I did not."
4 / 14
"See that.
I did it."
5 / 14
"See them.
I am not well."
6 / 14
"See me.
I am not well.
I feel sad."
7 / 14
"Sis is not well.
Let us run."
8 / 14
"Mit and Sam ran.
I feel sad."
9 / 14
"Will he see Sis?
She is not well."
10 / 14
"Who needs me?
Is it Sis?
Well then, let me see Sis."
11 / 14
"See them.
I feel sad.
I am not well."
12 / 14
"What is that on the hat?
I will feel it."
13 / 14
"See this.
I did well."
14 / 14
"See me!
I feel well."
Story Questions
1. p.1— Who is painting the bench?
2. p.5— How does Sis feel when she sees the spots?
3. p.7— Why are Mit and Sam running away from Sis?
4. p.11— Who came to cure Sis?
5. p.13— How does the doctor "cure" Sis?