Will We Win?
Book 38
New Words:

Plot Summary
There is a fishing contest that Ann and Mit want to win. They catch a fish, but it is only a tiny little one. Ann decides to feed the fish so that it will become big. The fish becomes ill, but Ann fans him back to health. With their fattened fish, Ann and Mit finally win the contest.
1 / 14
"We need a fat fish.
We will win with it."
2 / 14
"That fish is not fat.
We will not win with that fish."
3 / 14
"Fill this and
set the wet fish in it."
4 / 14
"That fish is sad.
We will not win with a sad fish."
5 / 14
"If he is fat, we will win."
6 / 14
"The sad fish needs this.
Then we will win."
7 / 14
"This will fill the sad fish."
8 / 14
"This fat fish is not well.
Fan the fish, Ann."
9 / 14
Mit sits.
Ann fans the fat fish.
10 / 14
"This fish is sad.
If we fan it with this fan,
It will feel well."
11 / 14
"This fish is fat and well.
Will we win with it?"
12 / 14
"This fish is fat.
Who will win?"
13 / 14
"Did we win?
Did the fat fish win?"
14 / 14
"We did win with the fat fish."
Story Questions
1. p.1— What do Ann and Mit want?
2. p.5— What kind of fish do they need to win the contest?
3. pp.7-8— What happens to the fish?
4. pp.8-10— What do Ann and Mit do to make the fish feel better?
5. p.14— Who wins the contest?