The Seed
Book 39
New Words:

Plot Summary
Mit has a seed which he and Will want to plant on a hillside. First they weed the hill. Then they plant the seed. Sun shines on the seed and rains falls on it. The seed grows into a little tree. Mit and Will try to guess what kind of a tree it will be. After many days, fat nuts appear on the branches. Mit and Will are proud of their tree and share the nuts with their friends.
1 / 16
"See the seed in this hand."
2 / 16
"Is the seed in this hand?
Is the seed in that hand?"
3 / 16
"See that hill.
We will weed it.
Then we will set this seed
in the sand on that hill."
4 / 16
"Will, this hill is a mess.
See this weed and that weed."
5 / 16
"Hand me the seed.
I will set it in the sand."
6 / 16
"See the hands."
7 / 16
"The seed needs sun."
8 / 16
The seed needs mud.
9 / 16
"See that.
Is it the seed?
Is it a weed?"
10 / 16
"It is a fat weed.
The weed is on the hill."
11 / 16
"Will and I did weed the hill.
Then we set a seed on it."
12 / 16
"Will we see hats on the weed?"
13 / 16
"Will we see fans on the weed?"
14 / 16
"Is it a weed with shells?
I need shells."
15 / 16
"What is it?
It is a nut weed.
See the fat nuts on the hill."
16 / 16
"I will fill this and that
with nuts."
Story Questions
1. p.1— What does Mit have in his hand?
2. p.3— What are Mit and Will going to do to the hill first?
3. pp.7-8— What helps the seed grow?
4. pp.12-14— What kind of tree do Mit and Will guess it might be?
5. p.15— What kind of tree is it?