Sit on It
Book 9
New words:
Plot Summary
Mat is pulling a wagon when he meets first Mit, then Sis, then Sam. Each of Mat's friends wants a ride in the wagon. Mat gives Mit and Sis a ride, but when Sam tries to get in, too, the wagon breaks and Mat gets angry. Sam salvages a board from the wagon and carries the others to the beach on it. There they all play in the water on their new "surfboard."
1 / 14
"See me."
2 / 14
"Meet me. Meet me.
I am Mit."
3 / 14
"See me.
I sit in it."
4 / 14
"I am Sis."
5 / 14
"I sit in it.
See me sit in it."
6 / 14
"See Mat.
See Mit sit in it.
See Sis sit in it."
7 / 14
"See me. See me sit in it."
8 / 14
"See! See!"
9 / 14
"See it."
10 / 14
"See it on Sam."
11 / 14
"See me on it."
12 / 14
See Sis on it.
13 / 14
See Mat on it.
14 / 14
See Sam on it.
Story Questions
1. p.1— What does Mat have?
2. p.3— Who is the first animal to get a ride in the wagon?
3. p.8— Who breaks the wagon?
4. p.8— How do you think Mat feels?
5. p.14— What does Sam use the board for?